Kush jemi

Mbrojtja e monumenteve te Trashegimise Kulturore dhe te Arkitektures se Banesave Tradicionale ka si qellim kryesor: Mbrojtjen e monumenteve te trashegirnise kulturore, mbrojtjen e monumenteve te arkitektures te trashegirnise e arkitektures te banesave tradieionale, te kalldremeve dhe te entiteteve ne qytetet, fshatrat dhe other areas of the country with restoration works, creation and promotion of development projects for undeveloped areas. Promoting the country's cultural values, traditions and cultural heritage. Encouraging, approaching and advancing the cooperation between the different cultures and country"s heritage. Publishing of books and exhibits related to cultural heritage. Stimulation of children and talented students of the profile through granting scholarships. Helping the elderly, children and families in need. Promoting cultural and religious life as well as to preserve old traditions in Albania.

Bordi Drejtures

Nikolla Rondo

Themelues, Drejtor

Sokrat Kreku


Leonard Hysi


Joana Rondo


Edmont Rumani
